Funding Commercialization at UHN: 

Accelerator Fund

Transforming discoveries into real applications for patients can take years of development, refinement, validation, and testing. To help early-stage research progress, UHN Commercialization has established an in-house incubation model that includes funding to de-risk commercially promising technologies towards their value inflection point. This is done through UHN's Accelerator Fund (AF), which offers significant capital to help early-stage technologies advance. The fund is in place to help promising innovations from within UHN and our ecosystem reach patients faster. It acts to maximize their commercial potential, bringing them to market in the form of new medical products, devices or therapies.

Supported by the UHN Foundation and the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation, the Accelerator Fund is split into two streams:  the Innovation Accelerator, launched in March of 2024  and the Clinical Accelerator - expected to activate in the Fall of 2024.

The AF helps researchers and clinicians close funding gaps between research funding received from grant and government sources, and the significant private-sector investments needed to de-risk discoveries in order to bring new therapies and technologies to the people who need them. The AF supports projects from discovery to proof-of-concept right through to first-in-human testing.

“Commercialization accelerator programs are an essential part of our commercialization philosophy at UHN, where incubation funding such as the Innovation Accelerator de-risks technologies, bringing them to pivotal inflection points”.

Innovation Accelerator

doctor holding a floating light bulb

The Innovation Accelerator (IA) has been established to overcome barriers to research translation.  Its objective is to accelerate research discoveries at UHN to demonstrate commercial applicability to potential industry partners and/or investors.

With support from he Innovation Accelerator, early stage research results with high commercialization potential can receive critical development funds to advance and potentially help patients world-wide.  

The IA is UHN’s internal funding source and is reserved for commercially promising projects. It is NOT a grant and is not intended for basic research.

A maximum contribution of $250,000 is available per proposal. You can learn more here or by contacting us at:

Who can apply?

Eligible researchers are currently those affiliated with any of UHN's research institutes. UHN researchers applying for this funding will work jointly with our Commercialization Team if their project is selected. A Letter of Intent (LOI) is required prior to proposal submission (please see instructions, below).

What to expect

UHN will issue an offer letter with funding conditions to all accepted proponents;  

Applicants will develop their project milestones and budget. These are subject to approval by UHN prior to the project commencing and being funded.  

Release of IA funding is subject to meeting established milestones, and can thus be phased; progress reporting will be required.

Failure to meet agreed-upon project milestones can result in funding termination, requiring the return of unspent funds.

In unique cases, e.g. company involvement or existing licenses, possible impact on proposal applicants will be discussed openly and agreed upon prior to commencing IA sponsored work.  

It is hoped that IA funding will both commercially de-risk and increase the value of UHN IP, resulting in important commercialization outcomes.  UHN Creators/Inventors will benefit through UHN’s IP Policy, both through existing IP and any new IP created as a result of the IA funded activities.  

Questions? Contact us at :

Evaluation Criteria
Eligibility Criteria
Application & Submission Process
IA Committee